凯瑟琳H. 斯坦

Professor, 心理学系
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1987

电话: (419) 372-2278
电子邮件: cstein@bjqzgy.com
办公室: Room 243, 心理学 Building
实验室页面:  Link

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The development of community interventions for individuals with schizophrenia and their families; the influence of social networks and family relationships on psychological well-being in adulthood.


I try to create a classroom environment where students can translate their implicit theories, observations and experiences into the language of psychology. My goal is to help students to master new ways of thinking about behavior and to integrate what they are learning into their existing knowledge base. 在博天堂官方网站生教学中, I work to create opportunities for students to recognize and build upon their skills as researchers and clinicians. 对我来说, creating such educational settings requires that I listen and learn as much as lecture and know. Teaching is a deeply personal experience that allows me to share my expertise, my respect for the strengths of students, and the excitement that I have for psychology.


沃克,K., & 斯坦,C. H. (2021). Young adult children of mothers coping with mood disorders: Maternal relationship quality, 家庭耻辱, and psychological well-being. Journal of Child and Family 博天堂官方网站, 30 (10), 2440-2451.

格里菲斯,F. J., & 斯坦,C. H. (2021). Behind the hashtag: Online disclosure of mental illness and community response on Tumblr. American 社区杂志 心理学, 67, (3-4), 419-432.

Dulek E. B.,俄罗斯,美国. E.拉德,M. F.格里菲斯,F. J., & 斯坦,C. H. (2021). 个人损失, 父母的关系, and caregiving intentions among adult siblings of individuals with mental illness. Journal of Child and Family 博天堂官方网站, 30 (6), 1607-1618.

吕桑,年代. E., & 斯坦,C. H. (2021). The aftermath of trauma and abuse and the impact on family: A narrative literature review. 创伤、暴力、 & Abuse, Mar 3;1524838021995990.

doi: 10.1177/1524838021995990. 印刷前在线.

斯坦,C. H.冈萨雷斯,S. M,沃克,K.伯努瓦,M. F., & 吕桑,年代. E. (2020). Self and sibling care attitudes, 个人损失, and stress-related growth among siblings of adults with mental illness. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 90 (6), 799 – 809.

斯坦,C. H.哈特尔·梅彻,J.M. W.格林伯格,S. C.伯努瓦,M. F.冈萨雷斯,S. M.彼得罗夫斯基,C. E.马特,G. M., & Dulek E. B. (2019). 社区心理学, 数字技术, and loss: Remembrance activities of young adults who have experienced the death of a close friend. 社区杂志 & Applied 社会 心理学, 29 (4), 257-272.


  • PSYC 1010 General 心理学 (undergraduate)
  • PSYC 3080 Introduction to Clinical 心理学 (undergraduate)
  • PSYC 7040 Ethics and Professional Issues (graduate)
  • PSYC 7810 Feminist 心理学 and Diversity (graduate)
  • PSYC 7090 Advanced Clinical-Community 博天堂官方网站 and Practice Team (graduate)
  • PSYC 7181 Community 心理学 (graduate)
  • PSYC 7810 社会 Systems Assessment (graduate)
  • PSYC 6090 Clinical Interviewing (graduate)

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Updated: 05/24/2022 08:09PM